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  • How long have we been doing this?
    TerraPurezza was founded in 2015, and has been going strong since then.
  • How do we know regenerative agriculture works?
    We can see and feel the difference in soil quality and vegetation between where we have and haven't had our animals. We are in the process of conducting soil tests to quantify that data, and will share the results once we have them. In the mean time, just through observation we know that our soil retains more water, and the plants are healthier in the areas we've already sent the pigs, chickens, and sheep through than where they have yet to go.
  • Is this a one size fits all solution?
    Yes and no. Yes, regenerative agriculture can produce positive results for the environment wherever it is possible to have agriculture. No, what works for us here in the Texas Hill Country will not necessarily work in a different climate and geography (such as the Pacific Northwest). Every location requires custom solutions within the realm of regenerative agriculture. Here, for instance, long term drought conditions and over-grazing have produced hard, compacted soil with a microbial layer that prevents water from soaking in when it rains. The solution for that is to send in the pigs and completely turn over the top 6 inches or more of ground, breaking up the compaction and microbes and allowing water to make its way in. However, that's not really a concern in the Pacific Northwest. There, the marine ecosystems are at greatest risk, meaning regenerative agriculture solutions for them might look more like managed oyster and mussell beds to clean the water and provide habitat and food solutions for native underwater life.
  • Isn't this more expensive than traditional farming?
    Not really. A lot of it balances out. On one hand, by rotationally grazing our livestock, we spend far less on feed for our pigs and sheep than traditional farmers. We also use movable electric fences to manage our rotations, so we don't have the cost of building reliable permanent fencing. The frequency of our rotations also means we can graze more animals on less space while keeping them naturally active and healthy. That healthy lifestyle produces high quality meat capable of fetching a higher price at market than traditional meat sold in grocery stores. On the other hand, where things do get more expensive is our use of heritage breeds chosen for their climate hardiness, health, and taste. For example, our Freedom Ranger broilers cost approximately twice as much per chick as the industry standard Cornish Cross.
  • Can I visit the farm?
    Visits are only allowed on tours or by appointment. We do not have farm hours. If you ordered from our shop for farm pickup, we will contact you with a time for that pickup. Farm work is more of a lifestyle than a job in many regards, and our schedules vary daily depending on needs that pop up. As such, we cannot keep set hours for free visiting.
  • Do you have a farm store?
    No, however we sell at the Pedernales and Dripping Springs Farmer's Markets every week.
  • How do I learn more about Regenerative Agriculture?
    You can sign up for one of our tours. We will be offering classes soon, so stay on the lookout for those!
  • Can Regenerative Agriculture be done on my land?
    We offer consultation services to determine if and how you can implement regenerative agriculture on your land. If you are interested, please email consulting@ with an intro and overview of your situation.
  • Can Regenerative Agriculture be done anywhere?
    The short answer is that it depends on the particulars of the land. For instance, you're probably not going to be able to practice regenerative agriculture on a cliff face. The longer answer is that it requires on site consultation to determine if and how regenerative agriculture can be implemented somewhere.
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